Kira Cao


Improve of the multimedia learning

After learning the Dual Coding Theory I know that people will learn better when combined verbal associations and visual imagery. This reminds me I did an editing video about How to make a fruit smoothie before. At that time I just thought it was just a school project. But now I recognize it is a good example of multimedia learning. The original video is at the redefinition ladder of the SAMR model. It gave me a lot of space for creativity and imagination but not just to wrote down the recipe.

To improve the video, I made it an H5P video. I added missing information for the original video and create one multiple choice question and one true or false question. Now the new video follows the Learner control principle that learners can get interact with the video and get feedback immediately. It also meets the Signaling Principle, the questions are like the highlight of the video which can get the learners’ attention.

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