Kira Cao


How learning theories changes our online study

The Dula Coding Theory is to combine visual and verbal format to reinforce people’s memories. Through this theory, we create a PowerPoint presentation that should include text, images, videos, or audio. An interesting PowerPoint will be more impressive.

Flow is vital for online study because the teacher cannot give everyone a goal or get to know everyone’s interests. We need to set goals for ourselves. As a student, we need feedback not only from our teachers but also classmates. Zoom, BrightSpace, and other multimedia give us a chance to communicate online and receive timely feedback.

Hypothesis. is helps me to make notes and reminds me what is important. Also, I can see other people’s comments and replies. This feedback will help me better understand the text. The drawback I think is also the comments and replies. Because everyone in the group can say anything, so it will easily change my opinion and affect my judgments.


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